Hi!!! My name is Patricia and I am the Owner and Designer of Global Couture (http://globalcouture.net) and Global Couture Blog (http://globalcoutureblog.net). I am originally from Grand Rapids, Michigan and currently reside in St. Louis, MO. I served as a tenured college counselor for over 10 years and now a full time entrepreneur and full time doctoral candidate completing my dissertation. I am natural and love it!
How long have I been natural?
3 glorious years!!!
What motivated me to go natural?
I don’t know the exact date I went natural, but I believe my last relaxer was 2009. I decided to ‘go natural’ because I was tired of dealing with breakage and bad hair days from relaxers. I also was really frustrated with my hair because it “wasn’t growing” which, I now understand is more of a retention issue.
Did I big chop or transition?
I transitioned with Senegalese twist for nearly two years and finally mini chopped my relaxed ends May 21, 2011.
What have my experiences been as a ‘natural?’ Any memorable reactions from family or others?
I remember I was finally ready to lose the length and cut the relaxer out, so after a few snips in the bathroom, I decided to hop in the car and go to the salon nearby. I get there and the stylist said “honey we don’t do that kind of hair” and thought wow so salons don’t do “real hair.” I ended up convincing her that she could easily identify the relaxed (i.e., straight ends) and I ONLY wanted her to cut them. She did and when she was finished she picked out my hair and patted it down into a perfectly round fro. I liked it! I felt stronger immediately! I am most proud that my sisters went back to natural now too!
How did I feel about back to being natural feel?
“Going back to my roots” during this natural hair journey has been truly self-affirming. Through this journey, I fell in love with the freedom, self-expression, and renewed confidence fostered by a simple ‘hairdo’ change. I found quickly it was more than a hair style change, it became a lifestyle change. I began to take more risks outside of the expected and mainstream forms in beauty, hairstyles, clothing, and accessories. I believe this ‘mini’ transformation paired with my travels through South American, Asia, Europe and the Caribbean has added to my appreciation for various forms of beauty, personal expression and culture expression.
What is my normal haircare routine?
I co wash (conditioner only) my hair in the shower about 2-3 times a week. When it’s wet, I apply a leave in and gel. I’ll let it air dry and I’m out the door. I try to deep condition at least once a week using the bagging method overnight. The three styles I wear are my afro, my afro, and an afro puff! LOL. I am the wash n go queen and just let my hair do whatever it wants. I love updos’ but I can’t style or flat twist to save my life.
I try a lot of products (product junkie alert) but right now I am really into Giovanni, Kinky Kurly, As I am, & Luv Naturals. Here are my must haves during my journey.
How did being natural help me to create Global Couture?
I decided to begin Global Couture 3 years ago, when I noticed I couldn’t find any accessories or natural hair apparel (mainly T shirts) I wanted to wear, that reflected my new consciousness.
Much of my inspiration for Global Couture (http://globalcouture.net) comes from the various natural hair communities (via blogs, natural hair meet-ups, and YouTube) which I so joyously joined nearly two years ago. Global Couture is an expression of my love for travel, self-exploration, cultural expression, and creativity. Global Couture designs hair accessories, jewelry, & apparel for the bold, chic, and culturally curious. Global Couture is trying to spread the word about embracing your natural hair and its reflection of our history. “Loving your hair represents loving yourself.” Love your curls, if they are wavy, curly, kinky or coily.
What are some of my favorite websites or blogs?
Well, my blog is my favorite right now globalcoutureblog.net and curlynikki.com and naturallycurly.com
I am youtube obsessed! I follow a lot of vloggers such as naptural85, haircrush, himay10nence, africanexport, taren916, and kimmytube. I read curlynikki for hair inspiration and browse fashion websites occasionally.
Where can you purchase Global Couture items?
Global Couture is sold exclusively online at http://www.globalcouture.net
I can be reached by email: patricia@globalcouture.net
Want to find me on social networks?
Like Global Couture on Facebook, Twitter:@globalcouture1, and Follow on Instagram:@globalcouture, Pinterest: globalcouture1