Natural Hair Care: Tea Rinse

This Natural hair journey is ever changing as we learn more about what aids in happy healthy hair. Despite being a Natural for over seven years I am still learning about the plentiful ways of treating and loving our tresses. Tea rinses are new to me. I've never really HEARD of them until recently and since I'm not completely clueless I figured I wasn't alone. Besides hosting a giveaway on a hair tea I felt I needed to dig a little deeper into what they are and how many are using them. Hair … [Read more...]

5 Reasons Your Hair Won’t Grow

"My hair just won't grow past this length." If you've ever uttered this phrase, it may be time to take a look at your ends. All hair grows but not all hair retains length. If your goal is to grow long, gorgeous hair, then it is imperative that you give your ends extra TLC. Why? The ends of our hair are the oldest and the most fragile. If you have curly or damaged hair, you are even more likely to experience breakage, so here's what you can do about it. You're Too Rough I cannot say this … [Read more...]

25 Tips for Retaining Length

by Michelle of Radiant-Brown-Beauty Here are 25 things you can do to improve your natural hair and prevent damage. The goal here- to keep your hair on your head!Not including the obvious elimination of chemical treatments, this list contains all you need to maintain a healthy head of hair. They are categorized by care/maintenance and styling.Care and MaintenanceNix shampoos with sulfates. Sulfates strip the hair of needed moisture and natural oil, drying it out. Pre-poo (pre-shampoo) your hair … [Read more...]