Top 10 Natural Hair Myths

[written by Sabrina via Naturallycurly] Despite the Natural Hair Movement (NHM) making substantial waves in the hair, style and fashion there still seems to be some inaccuracies about natural hair and what is means. Myths can be detrimental to a movement and since we want this to stay as positive as possible I’m sharing some well-known myths that need to be put to rest. Natural Hair is harder to maintain The truth is it takes work and KNOWLEDGE when going natural. For many women going … [Read more...]

Breaking Down Some Natural Hair Myths

[by Luv Your Natural Journey] When I first went back to being natural, I did a lot of online research and watched a lot of YT videos, and also talked to a couple of other naturals. I got a lot of conflicting information and a lot of myths that I, too, started to believe. I decided to dig deeper and realized that I had to stop listening to all these myths and "advises" and just listen to my hair. I found out what products and regimens my hair loves and I've stuck with them ever since. I found … [Read more...]