Naturally Fierce Feature: Jennifer

  My name is Jennifer and I am a grad student in Montgomery, Alabama, pursuing my degree in marriage and family counseling. I was natural and had my hair straightened up until I went off to undergrad in 2003. My aunt straightened my hair for me back home and it was hard to travel back there to get her to do it, so I relaxed my hair. When I say my aunt straightened my hair, I mean OLD SCHOOL straightened……..comb on the stove and grease popping your scalp straightened! I loved my relaxed hair a … [Read more...]

Naturally Fierce Feature: Erica

Hey all! My name is Erica Bryant, Los Angeles grown but I call Oakland home. I earned my BA degree in English from the University of California, Irvine in my teaching credential from Mills College. Currently, I teach eleventh/twelfth grade English at a continuation high school. I am single (the struggle is in I have a passion reading, cooking, and hip-hop. Most of all, I just enjoy having a good time with good people. Whether in the classroom or chatting on the hair care aisle … [Read more...]