Is Your Hair Breaking or Shedding?

One of things that can sometimes confuse people is trying to determine whether they are experiencing breakage or excessive shedding. While both might seem similar, there are big differences between the two as well as different reasons why they occur. At some point in our natural hair journey most of us might have experience one or both of them. In order to get a little understanding of both, I will briefly define what each term means, the potential causes of them and some solutions you can … [Read more...]

4 Common Practices That Cause Natural Hair Breakage

By now, I’m sure you’ve heard all the common tips about breakage: keep your hair moisturized, be gentle, pay special attention to your ends, avoid too-tight protective styles and updos, sleep with your hair protected (or at least on a satin pillowcase), and more. While those are all great things to keep in mind, I’d like to offer 4 particular breakage culprits to be aware of, from personal experience. That’s right — personal experience. I’m not afraid or ashamed to admit that as a blogger, … [Read more...]

Natural Hair Care: Tea Rinse

This Natural hair journey is ever changing as we learn more about what aids in happy healthy hair. Despite being a Natural for over seven years I am still learning about the plentiful ways of treating and loving our tresses. Tea rinses are new to me. I've never really HEARD of them until recently and since I'm not completely clueless I figured I wasn't alone. Besides hosting a giveaway on a hair tea I felt I needed to dig a little deeper into what they are and how many are using them. Hair … [Read more...]