Naturally Fierce Feature: Cea Radé

“Being natural makes me feel confident, unique, sexy and above all beautiful.” – Cea Radé

My name is Cea Radé and I’m from Jacksonville, FL. I’m a passionate professional makeup artist, student and a mother of 1 …puppy named Kiley :-). She is a Miniature Poodle.


How long have you been natural?

I began my natural hair journey about 3 years ago.

What motivated you to transition? Were you a transitioner or a Big Chopper & why?

I just got tired of the damage I was doing to my hair with the relaxers and weave glue I even tried wearing wigs until one day I saw my edges had started to come out as a result of wearing the push pins inside the wigs and I vowed to go natural! Lol I couldn’t be a “no edges” statistic. I didn’t want to go through the ugly faze so I transitioned by growing out my relaxer instead of chopping.

What has been the most memorable part of your journey?  Has it been easy or difficult or both?!

My hair journey has been a “rewarding struggle” since the beginning. I still fight with it to maintain the body and with the lengthening process. However, the most memorable moment was watching how quickly my natural texture began to grow. It excited me beyond words. Not to mention the money I saved. I enjoy rocking the twist out styles, the fro-hawk, and Bantu knots. Since being natural, I have inspired others to go natural also. That’s such a big deal for me to have been a motivating influence for others.

What is your hair regimen (including fav products)?

My hair regimen is to shampoo once a week and co-wash daily. I always style my hair wet. I never blow out. I two strand twist or flat twist my hair nightly and before wrapping my hair I rub either extra virgin olive oil and/or tea tree oil on my hair. I love trying new products but I mostly use the following: Cantu shampoo and rinse out conditioner, Cantu pomade, leave-in conditioner, extra virgin olive oil, argon oil, tea tree oil, water. Sometimes Mixed Chicks products. The list could go on and on…I’m a super product junkie! I’ll try anything that looks new and inviting and smells good lol.

What are some of your favorite natural hair websites, YouTuber’s, or blogs?

I started out watching Simply Younique and still do, I also love WhoIsSugar… I jook to her intro song and her funky spirit, backsyncfan, Naptural85, LOLLadyT, lovelyyanneka to name a few. I’m a huge YouTuber!!

Anything you want the readers to know? Inspirational words?

Never be discouraged to begin and follow through with your natural hair journey. People will always try to knock what you’re doing especially when its something different. Understand that everyone has a different texture of hair and just because yours may not be like theirs doesn’t make yours any less beautiful! Try new things, new products and become a YouTube fanatic!!! It helps to find new ideas and techniques. And most of all have fun with it!!! Your natural hair will always be unique and beautiful and no one can mimic that!

Where can people find you for more information?

I can be found on Facebook: Cea Radé… Instagram: @KoKo_Calypso … Twitter: @Concrete_Orchid and @GlamourEyezKC or via email


Thank you to Ko Ko for featuring! Next we need to have her give us makeup tips! # fierce


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