Naturally Fierce Feature: Natasha

Hi, I’m Natasha Grant, born & raised in the Bronx and spent half my life in South Florida. I’m an Air Force wife, stay at home mommy, and current student/future nurse anesthetist and nutritionist in the making. I would say the first time I saw Girlfriends (when UPN existed lol) I fell in love with Joan, Tracee Eliss Ross’ character. I always wanted and loathed big, curly and natural hair, but mainstream media and my mom not knowing about natural hair, besides it being a pain and tiring process with my thick hair, I was a victim of occasional relaxers. I got my first perm when I was 7, in New York, when my mom’s hair stylist was having a hair show and decided the style for me would be best with relaxed hair. I know…….I know. I always told myself when I became pregnant, in the future, I would not perm my hair because I didn’t want the chemicals to affect the baby. Funny I was never concerned about the chemicals affecting me.

How long have you been natural?
So when my husband and I became pregnant in late February 2010, my last relaxer was early February 2010.

What motivated you to transition? Were you a transitioner or a Big Chopper & why?
My beautiful daughter motivated me to become natural. At first I was doing it for her, but as I continued my natural air journey, I was doing it for us. Doing it so I would rid myself from societies ideals and make my own identity for myself, and I did it so my daughter would have me as her role model to look up to with natural hair. I transitioned from February 2010 until May 2011.

What has been the most memorable part of your journey? Has it been easy or difficult or both?!
The most memorable part of my journey I would have to say was learning my hair and what it did and did not like. As a past relaxed girl, there was always a select few of shampoo’s and conditioner’s I would use, a can of oil sheen, and a box or mix (if I went to the salon) of relaxer I would use. Being natural, I learned there is tons out there for our hair and once you learn a few basic things about your hair, the product junkism seems fun and not an inconvenience. I learned what was great, which was a “taboo” as a relaxed girl. I’ll never forget about the oils and purposes of certain products that I never knew before that was such an eye opener for me once I became knowledgeable.

What  were some of your favorite transitioning hairstyles and current favs?
When I was transitioning, I was pregnant will ALL day sickness for 6 months, so I stayed homed my whole pregnancy, so most of the time my hair was in braids. When I did try to do something nice to my hair, I did bantu knots since that helped blend my two textures, and wore it in a faux hawk. Now-a-days, my go to style is a braid out!

What have your experiences been as a ‘natural?’ Any memorable reactions from family or others?
I feel one of my experiences as a natural, is I feel that I stand out more. I not another girl with a relaxer, but the girl with the hair that matches my personality; out there, loud, fun, and can be glam when necessary. I remember my husband at first was a bit confused, and didn’t understand why I wanted to be natural. Once he understood it was for the baby, he expected me to go back to relaxed hair. Once he realized how adamant I was about staying natural, the more he accepted it and it grew on him. Long story short, if I mention wanting straight extensions, he’s quick to tell me to do a braidout! I remember getting some “rough and tough” jokes from my maternal uncles, but now, they realize how much more of me has shined through with my natural hair, and I don’t hair the jokes anymore.


What is your hair regimen (including fav products)?
My hair regimen has been cleanse/wash every weekend and follow with a deep conditioner afterwards. Depending on my time as being a stay at home mom, wife and student, sometimes I leave it in overnight. Since summer is around the corner, I plan on trying Tresseme’s natural conditioner to cowash with and even Pantene’s new cowash.

– My staples, as of now, is:
* cleansing shampoo: Trader Joe’s Tea Tree Tingle Shampoo
*moisturizing/regular shampoo: Shea Moisture’s Moisture Retention Shea shampoo
*rinse – out conditioner: Trader Joe’s Nourish Spa conditioner
*Deep conditioner/treatment: Shea Moisture’s Deep Treatment Masque or rinse – out conditioner with some honey, jojoba, coconut, and olive oil.
*LOC method: A [L]iquid, [O]il and [C]ream method used to seal and maintain moisture, I use water as my liquid, coconut, apricot, or grapeseed oil as my oil and Shea Moisture’s curl and style milk as my cream (leave-in).

I usually follow up with a braid out consisting of 10-14 (sometimes) braids on damp/semi -wet hair.
I usually leave my braids in for a full day to air dry and after letting them out/separating, I will rebraid that night into 8-10 braids or gather my hair into a loose and low ponytail.

(I am amazed by shrinkage, lol)

What are some of your favorite natural hair websites, YouTuber’s, or blogs?
Favorite websites:

Blogs: (she disappeared, but her blog is still up)

-Taren916 (first natural I came across when I typed in natural hair on the YT)
-Jo Michelle

Anything you want the readers to know? Inspirational words?
Everything takes time to grow and mature. Looking at the waiting period (for hair growth) as a learning experience. If you want to be natural, do it for you; be confident and firm in your decision. When I first became natural, I looked towards people that had hair patterns/textures I wanted, not what I had. Once I learned that products helped and maintained and didn’t change or create, I was able to focus on what my hair liked and what styles worked best for my hair texture. No product can change what God gave you.

Where can people find you for more information?
My IG: NaturallyNat90
YouTube: NaturallyNat90

Thank you Natasha!
Love your curls!

How old were you where you got your first relaxer? I believe I was 11 years old. Leave comments below.


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