Naturally Fierce Feature: Shtonia

Shtonia, I was born in Ohio but raised in Atlanta, GA for over 20 years (that makes me somewhat of a Georgia Peach and a Southern Belle) I got my first relaxer at the age of 13 after  hours of gazing at the little girl on the Just for Me box.

How long have you been natural? I have been natural since June 2009

What motivated you to transition to natural?
My motivation to transition was a horrible experience that I had at a salon. I went in for a relaxer at 7 at night and left at 11 that evening after my hair had been relaxed, rollerset, wrapped, blow-dryed, and flat iron . I had horrible scabs on my scalp and knew that I could not continue getting relaxed. At first I thought that I would wait a few weeks to  let my relaxer grow out to see if I could manage my hair on my own and before I knew it three months had gone by. In total I transitioned for 16 months and then big chopped. My goal was to transition for 18 months, but I just couldn’t wait to be done with my relaxed ends and looking back I hate that I waited for so long.

What has been the most memorable part of your journey?

The most memorable part of my journey was in the beginning I had a boyfriend that was obsessed with long hair and was furious when I would talk about doing the big chop. When I finally did the big chop and he saw me he was so pissed and I remembered thinking “How could a person be so wrapped up in someone else’s hair!?! (cue: I AM NOT MY HAIR) lol” We broke up shortly after my big chop and I never looked back, it was the first time that I refused to apologize for my natural hair. The rest of my journey has been so fun, I love the fact that my hair is different and unique my Mother and Sister are natural and none of us share the same curl pattern and it give us our own uniqueness.

What were some of your favorite transitioning hairstyles?

I loved wearing my hair in a high bun while I transitioned, but I longed for the curly hair that started to sprout out of my scalp. Once I big chopped I started to get into two strand twists, braid outs and mini twists. 

Any memorable reactions from family or others?
Other than the ex-boyfriend that I spoke about above, my family and friends actually embraced and loved my hair. My friends always tell me that they wish they had curly hair like me.

What is your hair regimen (including fav products)?
Well I co-wash my hair once a week with my favorite conditioner which I like to rotate on my hair every three months (Trader Joe’s, Tresemme and Suave) I wash my hair in four sections and detangle with my denman brush. I let my hair air dry in four large twists and then moisturize with Vatika Oil and Unrefined Shea Butter. I haven’t recently but when I can I like to do a full henna or henna gloss section at least every six weeks.

What are some of your favorite natural hair websites, YouTuber’s, or blogs?
Curly Nikki, the Good Hair Blog, Naturally Curly, Long Hair Care Forum, Naptural85 and beads braids and beyond.

Anything you want the readers to know? Inspirational words?
Please try not to get too wrapped up on what other people’s hair may look like. Know that your hair is unique and that there is joy in not having the same kind of hair that someone else may have.

Where can people find you for more information? I have a natural hair blog twistedmarie.blogspot and instagram: TwistedMarie

Thank you Shtonia!


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