Naturally Fierce Feature: Victoria

My name is Victoria Elise. I’m 18 years old. Born, raised, and I reside in California. I’m mixed; Mexican, Black & Filipino.

How long have you been natural?
I go back and forth from straight to curly. This is probably the longest I’ve done it curly.. It’s been about 5 months.

What motivated you to transition to natural?
Over the years I’ve cut my hair so many times. The texture has also changed so much since I was younger. What motivated me to go natural is that I wanted to get my healthy curls back.

What has been the most memorable part of your journey? Has it been easy or difficult or both?!
The most memorable part? I’d have to say seeing the difference in my curls, and just the texture in my hair period. Just over this 5 month period my hair has became so much healthier. It’s been both easy and  difficult.

What are  some of your favorite transitioning hairstyles?
My favorite hair style would have to be either all my hair (bangs included) curly, or when I bobby pin my bangs back and the rest of my hair is curly.

What have your experiences been as a ‘natural?’ Any memorable reactions from family or others?
I’ve learned to love my hair. For a while I really didn’t like it. I felt it was too much. My family loves my hair. They all say they wish they had full, curly hair like me. Sometimes I’ll be out in public and I get random people asking what I do to get it so curly.

What is your hair regimen (including fav products)?
I use different shampoos & conditioners .. I don’t really have a favorite. I deep condition my hair probably once, maybe twice a week. I wash my hair, dry it with either a towel or shirt (less frizz) Once my hair has dried a little I take off the towel/shirt & I apply infusium. (sold at Walmart) There are different types, I use the liquid version. I spray some, brush out my hair until there’s no more knots. After that I apply TRESemme curl mousse, (also sold at Walmart/Target). I scrunch my hair in my hand, like I’m squeezing a ball, I keep doing that until I notice the curls starting to form. After that I apply gel &/ hair spray whatever I have at the time. After applying all the products I blow dry my hair (I don’t like leaving with wet hair or waiting for it to dry) I use the diffuser attachment on the blow dryer and dry each section on my head until all my hair is dry. After I spray all my hair with hair spray, and I’m done 🙂

What are some of your favorite natural hair websites,YouTuber’s, or blogs?
Never looked into those.

Anything you want the readers to know? Inspirational words?
Be happy with what you got, from your hair, to your eyes, body, height — There’s someone out there who looks up to you.

Where can people find you for more information?
Instagram: toriaelise_
Facebook: Victoria Elise
Twitter: @toriaelise_

Love the ombre’ color! Thanks Vic! # Beautiful


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