Naturally Fierce Feature:Trice

HI!!! My name is Patrice (but you can call me Trice). I’m just a regular girl in this irregular world, reppin’ Harlem, USA.

How long have you been natural?
The real question is, “How long was I relaxed?” I was relaxed for about 5 years. All the rest of those years I’ve been naturally me, naturally Trice.

What motivated you to transition? Were you a transitioner or a Big Chopper& why?
I didn’t actually know I was transitioning. I just decided to stop relaxing my hair. Didn’t wanna go thorough it anymore. The smell, the burning, the not-being-able-to-scratch-your-head-for-however-long-but-since-your-head-knows-it-can’t-be-scratched-it-decides-to-itch-more (smh)… Don’t get me started! Anywho, After about 6 years of “transitioning”, I decided in 2010 to chop. I had a bit of heat damage (which I didn’t know what that was until afterward), and I felt like my hair wasn’t growing like I wanted it to because of how much heat I was using. Somehow, I found YT and some of the girls I saw on there (Naptural85, Mahogany Curls, Rustic Beauty), helped me in my decision to start over (unbeknownst to them. lol) and cut my hair off. AND, I was tired of pressing my hair and not being able to get it wet and so on and so forth.

What has been the most memorable part of your journey? Has it been easy or difficult or both?!

I don’t really have a “most memorable” part. I’m still on my journey. I’m really loving every minute of it… except when random strangers try to touch my hair. DON’T touch my hair! It hasn’t been difficult or easy. It’s been fun. It’s been very eye-opening. I’ve learned a lot about MYSELF just from wearing my natural hair. Kinda weird, but that’s what it is. I also appreciate all the people who ask me questions and say that I have inspired them in some way because of what I decided to do with my hair. It’s pretty dope to know that I could be of some help to these ladies. I mean, people say, “It’s just hair,” but it’s really not. Your hair determines how you feel as a woman. It can make or break your day, your outfit, your mood… It’s not JUST hair (to me). It’s an extension of YOU! So, like I said, to know that these ladies (whether it’s 5, 50, or 5,000) have lil’ ol’ me in mind for inspiration and aspiration, it’s an honor! …So, I guess that would be the most rewarding part about this whole thing.

What were some of your favorite transitioning hairstyles?
While I was (unknowingly) transitioning, I rocked cornrows 99% of the time. It was the early 2000’s. And that’s what we did back then. LOL! My favorite current ‘do is my ‘fro. I love my ‘fro from here to high heaven! Sheba is the dopest, flyyest most awesome ‘fro to walk the planet! LOL! I also really like bantu knot-outs and twistouts here and there. Oh! And my giant bun. She’s sexy too 😉 To be honest, my hair is in a bun majority of the time. That’s my go-to protective style.


What have your experiences been as a ‘natural?’ Any memorable reactions from family or others?
Experiences…. um… Wearing my natural hair hasn’t really added new “experiences” to my life. I’m still really extra regular. It just kinda helped me discover ME. It helped me tap into myself a little more. The only “memorable” reactions I’ve gotten from friends has been, “Don’t ever straighten your hair again! The natural thing fits you, your style, your personality!” And the bigger Sheba (my ‘fro) gets, the mens get happier. LOL! I get tons of compliments on my hair across the board, but the mens… chiiiiiiiiile, the mens LOVE Sheba!

What is your hair regimen (including fav products)?
My regimen is co-wash weekly. Shampoo monthly. DC every wash. Egg/mayo protein treatment twice a year. I stick to Tresemme Naturals conditioner for pretty much everything conditioner-related. I finger detangle first, then use a seamless comb. I use KCKT+jojoba oil as my leave-in. When I shampoo, I use Renpure Naturals shampoo. And I ALWAYS do my hair in sections. Lawd KNOWS I’ve got too much hair to be tryna tackle this all at once! And that’s pretty much it, in a nutshell. Oh! And I moisturize daily with water/avj and seal with my shea butter mix.

What are some of your favorite natural hair websites,YouTuber’s, or blogs?
BGLH, Urban Bush Babes, Naptural85, CourtneyNaturalHair, Chime Edwards

Anything you want the readers to know? Inspirational words?
Honestly, all I can say about this whole thing is that this journey is what you make it. If you’re open to learn, it will teach you new and wonderful things. It’s very unique to the individual. My experiences may differ GREATLY from yours. You may discover things that the next person may have never even heard of. I believe you get out of it what you put into it. If you make it hard, it will be hard. If you have fun with it, it will be fun and exciting. And If you’re going to take the leap, embrace it FULLY. However you decide to leap, do it WHOLEHEARTEDLY (or you may fall very awkwardly and hurt something -figuratively, of course. lol) 

Where can people find you for more information?
IG: Callme_Trice (I live there! I answer all questions there.) (I promise I’ve got more videos coming soon. LOL)

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

Thank you Gorgeous!
I accidentally became natural. I didnt have a plan, I just said, “no more relaxers.” Best decision ever!


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