Naturally Fierce Feature: Paulah

My name is Paulah, I’m 22 years old and I currently live in Ann Arbor, MI. I’ll be moving to Washington, D.C. soon to pursue a Master’s in Public Health at George Washington University. I’ve been natural for almost 4 years. Although it wasn’t always an easy journey, I fall more in love with my hair every day and I will never relax again. How long have you been natural? My last relaxer was almost 4 years ago and I cut my relaxed ends off about 3 years ago. What motivated you to … [Read more...]

Naturally Fierce Feature: Cynthia (BKA Simply Cyn)

Cynthia Andrew from NYC, born in MD but raised in Cameroon. How long have you been natural? I stopped counting but its been over 3 years now. What motivated you to transition? My hair was damaged due to all the heat and chemical relaxers. I was frustrated, tired and knew there had to be a better way. Were you a transitioner or a Big chopper? I transitioned, no big chop for me. Although sometimes I wish I did big chop- transitioning was messy to say the least. How would … [Read more...]

Fashionable Friday: Kinks Are The New Pink

Hello! My name is Ashlei and I’m the Creator & Author of the personal style and natural hair blog - Kinks are the new Pink! How would you describe your style? I would describe my style as evolving, especially right now as I’m noticing a change in items I’m gravitating to and purchasing. It’s weird to admit it, but my style is starting to become a little more grown up, which I’m actually finding to be very exciting and I’m so happy I have the blog to document that growth process. … [Read more...]