Dealing with Negative Hair Comments

Since I cut my hair for the first time in April 2013, I’ve heard everything from “You look great” to “why would you cut off all that pretty hair.” Eventually, as time moved on and I became more comfortable with my new appearance, what other people thought of me mattered less. These days, if I hear a negative comment it doesn’t make me question myself and my decision to return to natural. But for just a minute, let’s take a look at negative comments through a little girl’s eyes. Think about … [Read more...]

10 Ways to Respond to Negative Hair Comments

Although the natural hair movement is receiving widespread attention, it is not being accepted by all. Some have averse feelings and claim it to be unprofessional and unaesthetic. Descriptions like “nappy” are still being referenced, and while some are reclaiming it, others still associate the word with its original negative connotation, which tends to be further reinforced by the nuance of the speakers. It meant our hair wasn’t up to par with beauty standard and therefore unacceptable. It … [Read more...]