Naturally Fierce Feature: Alicia


1. Tell me a little about yourself and your hair journey. (Name, where you’re from, etc)

 Hello All! My name is from Alicia Gettys. I currently live in Birmingham Alabama.
2. How long have you been natural? Have you always embraced your curls?
            I’ve been completely natural for almost 4 years. It took me a year to fully transition. I didn’t do the big chop because I didn’t want to have to learn how to style short hair. So for every inch or so that I grew, I would get an inch chopped off. I love love love my curl pattern…not sure the type (still confused on how that works) but it works great with wash and go’s. I had to go through dozens of products and countless failed attempts but I’ve found 2-4 products that work for me and I’m sticking with it.
3. What motivated you to transition? Were you a transitioner or a Big Chopper& why?
             I always had thick hair even with a relaxer, but I could never get any real length. I remember as a child having long hair (pre perm) and I hated how “bushy” the ends wore so one day I took some scissors to them. My mother was heated but I told her that I didn’t like my hair because it wasn’ silky hair. Fast forward 10 – 12 years later and I decided to go natural with hopes of retaining length. Shoulders was the longest my hair had ever been with a relaxer.
             As I stated earlier, I did a transition. Protective styles were my saving grace during this period. Because I knew how to do many hairstyles myself (crochet braids, twists, box braids) I would only keep the protective style for 1 month, take it down to deep condition my hair and let it breathe, and put it back in a protective style. That was my life for about a year and a half. This year was when I really got comfortable with my length to be able to wear it without any wigs/extensions.
4. How would you describe your hair?
            Healthy…something I think anyone in the natural hair journey should be looking to achieve. Whether your hair is 2 or 20 inches long one thing I learned is that healthy hair is the best hair type that you could have.

5. What do you love most about your hair?
            The one thing I love most is the ability to do wash and go’s. I love a braid out or perm rods but recently I’ve been lazy in the protective style game. Being able to wash my hair at night, apply product, put in a bun and let dry and it’s ready to go the next day has been a  God sent. I normally do a protective style at least once a month and besides straightening my hair every 3-4 months to check for length I haven’t done any other hairsytles.
6. What has been the most memorable part of your journey?Has it been easy or difficult or both?!
             Because I transitioned and kept my hair in protective styles for most of the transitioning, I would say I had a relatively easy process. There were times when I would be fed up with my curl pattern not forming as fast as I would want it to and I would spend the next 8 hours putting in braids. I have to thank my mother for being able to do my own hair. She’s the reason why I’ve saved hundreds in being able to do many of these hairstyles myself.
7. What are (or were) some of your favorite transitioning hairstyles or current dos’
             Braids and crochet braids were my definite hairstyles while transitioning. For most of 2015, my hair was either in crochet braids, box braids, or I had on a wig (which is a good hairstyle because I could take the wig off at night and oil my braids). Now that my hair is at a length that I’m comfortable with, I would like to try more perm/flexi rod hairstyles. I’ve been seeing them on IG and they look really good.
8. What have your experiences been as a ‘natural.’ Any memorable reactions from family or others?
            Most of my family members are natural so we’re in this thing together. My husband was the one person who convinced me to start wearing my natural hair instead of putting on a wig or braids.
9. What is your hair regimen (including fav products)?
            I was my hair with shampoo and deep condition once a week. I workout 4-5 times a week so during the week I will co-wash my hair just to get the sweat and stuff cleansed. My wash and go products are simply a leave in conditioner and a hair moisturizer.
10. What are some of your favorite natural hair websites,YouTuber’s, or blogs?
            Instagram has been my source for natural hair inspiration. I’m looking to get into Youtube soon but for now it’s just been IG
11. Anything you want the readers to know? Inspirational words?
             Be patient, You hair is growing even though you don’t see it. I wanted to, on several occasions, give up and put a relaxer in my hair but I stayed the course because I knew what I wanted. Do this for YOU, not because it’s popular or because it’s a fad. If you decide to go natural, make sure it’s a choice that you want and decide. After all, its YOUR hair.
12. Where can people find you for more information?
             IG: @livin_fearless
             Youtube: Simpli.AliciaB (first video coming soon)


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