Fashionable Friday Feature: Ihsan


Hey now! My name is Ihsan Mujahid, how you doooooing, lol.

How would you describe your style?

I actually think my style is indescribable. I don’t follow trends. I just wear what makes me feel good. I can be dressed with a beat face and 6inches on my feet one day and be in jeans, sneakers, and a snap back the next day. My fashion is as versatile as my hair.


How do you decide what to wear in the morning?

Sometimes that decision is a struggle. I generally think about how I I’m feeling that morning and whatever speaks to me in the closet is what I go with. Sometimes a few things speak to me and I take a little longer to get ready. But doesn’t that happen to everyone, lol?


What are your favorite wardrobe pieces?

My favorite article of clothing is jeans. I grew up very tomboyish. I never wanted to wear dresses or skirts. So even now, I looooove a nice, good, comfortable pair of jeans. And I love sneakers. And I love heels. Ahhhhh, I can’t narrow it down. I love clothes!!!!  Annnnnd I especially love all my natural hair Tees from Global Couture! I had to take a small break when I realize I was buying one or two every month and asking for them as gifts, lol. It became an addiction. I just got excited to see shirts that promoted being natural.


Where do you typically shop for clothes and accessories?

I grab things that I like from wherever I happen to be. Clothes and accessories could be from Forever 21, to H & M, to New York and Company, Limited, JC Penney, Gap, Banana Republic, White House Black Market, etc.


Let’s talk hair. How long have you been natural? What is your normal regimen.

All my life. I had locs for 27 years, and have been without for 2 years. I cowash once or twice a week. I shampoo when I feel like it, but it’s rare. Instead I use cleansing cowashes like Ouidad and As I Am, and I’ve recently introduced Bentonite Clay into my regimen. If you have never cleansed with this, OMG, you have no idea what you’re missing. Not only does it strip your hair of all the buildup from products and dirt, but it leaves an amazing shine and activates curls. I love Miss Jessie’s Leave-In Condish and anything from Shea Moisture. I’m working on being less of a product junkie since I am finally settling into the things that I know work for my hair. For sleekness and smooth updos, I love Curls Curl Control Paste.

Do you have a signature hairstyle? Twist out or bantu knot out.

 How does your natural hair work with your style?

Perfectly. It’s just as funky and versatile as my fashion. My hair often dictates my OOTD. If I’m feeling especially fly in the hair department, then I have to make sure the outfit goes with it.


 Are you working on any ventures that we should know about?

Not presently, I don’t think. I do locs in my spare time, but other than that no ventures as yet.


How can we stay connected with you?

You can follow me on the ‘gram @ezfebrezeycovergirl33 and twitter @suitelaydee33



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