Hello everyone, my name is Abidemi but most people call me Bids. I’m a corporate lawyer by day and minion to my hair, Grace by night…actually all the time! I’m from Nigeria, but I live in London in the United Kingdom.
How long have you been natural?
I’m 4 years natural and going strong.
What motivated you to go natural? Were you a transitioner or a Big Chopper& why? For me, going natural was really about learning about my hair and wanting to fully appreciate my texture. My relaxed hair looked limp and thin when it was straight. After going on about going natural for a long time (I’m talking years!), in August 2004 I did a big chop only to realize my hair didn’t look like Kelis’ hair. A year of struggles and ignorance later, I relaxed my hair for my university graduation in July 2005. Fast forward to the summer of 2009 – I was in France on a language course and I was seeing girls everywhere with natural hair of various textures. From speaking to some of them, I realized that one didn’t have to have a certain type of texture or length to be natural; it just took care and knowledge. That kicked off the journey to discovery – I realized there was a wealth of knowledge on natural afro hair on the internet where there had been a dearth just 4 years earlier. Armed with that knowledge and a renewed resolve, I started transitioning in the fall of 2009 and was determined to give the natural journey another go. In January 2010, my brother took me to his barber where I got my second BC and Grace was born! I decided to get a BC because I was having trouble trying to work out what to do with the two textures on my head and I feared I would weaken in my resolve and get a relaxer. Some people are stronger than me and can transition for years – I lasted 4 months ha! How would you describe your hair? I have a variety of textures on my head – Grace is a mix of degrees of kinkiness and curliness. Generally I would say my hair is predominantly super kinky and coarse with softer coils around my nape and sides.
What is your hair regimen (including fav products)? My mix of leave in conditioner to Grace – a mix of:
- Vatika Coconut Oil
- Pure Argan Oil
- Ogx Instant Repair Weightless Oil
- Giovanni Direct Leave in
- Kinky Curly Knot Today
- Ogx Biotin and Collagen Lotion
Other products I use include Body Shop Anti-Dandruff Ginger Shampoo and Tresemme Naturals Nourishing Moisture Conditioner. My favourite stylers are Cantu Shea Butter Coconut Curling Cream, Design Essentials Natural Curl Stretching Crème and Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie.
What are some of your favorite natural hair websites, YouTuber’s, or blogs? Websites/blogs – BGLH, Curly Nikki, this website (of course!), Brownstone Bazaar, Simply Cyn and Closet Confections. Youtube – Mynaturalsistas, donedo, missDanti1 and Iknowlee
Anything you want the readers to know? Inspirational words? To any one who wants to go natural but doesn’t know how or is feeling apprehensive, just go for it. Don’t let society’s ignorance (or your own – as was the case for me!) stop you from experiencing and enjoying the versatility of your natural hair texture. There is so much information on the net now on how to take care of and style your hair so let go of any apprehensions and just go for it. Also surround yourself with positive people who will appreciate and encourage you in your journey. If that means cutting some friends loose or setting some family members straight, so be it!
Where can people find you for more information? Yes, you can follow my adventures with Grace at our blog at www.bidsingraceland.com – and on Instagram as well – @bidsingraceland. We’re on Facebook (BidsinGraceland) and Twitter @bidsingraceland.

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