Naturally Fierce Feature: Cassidy

My name is Cassidy Dixon, I am from Houston, TX, and I am 15 years old in the tenth grade. I have had a very long natural hair journey. I have never applied any chemicals to my hair in my lifetime, no dyes, relaxers, ect. I have suffered from some bad heat damage in 2011/2012, but I’m back on the road to healthier hair trying to avoid using heat for a year.


How long have you been natural?
I have been natural my entire life, the past 15 years. I am not a transitioner or a big chopper, but I strive to influence natural teenagers.

What has been the most memorable part of your hair journey?
The most memorable part of my journey is when I finally realized what being natural meant. Previously I didn’t do much with my hair it was almost as if I had forgotten it was there. As I began to grow up I started obsessing over my hair being straight all the time like everybody else’s. It didn’t take long for me to realize my hair was breaking off rapidly and I quickly stopped the use of heat for three months. After these three months without heat I began straightening my hair once a month, then eventually I decided to really get to know my hair and not apply ANY heat at all to it for a year. The journey has definitely been difficult at times but I’ve learned to accept my hair and work with it rather that against it.


What are  some of your favorite  hairstyles?
My all time favorite protective hairstyle is two strand twist (as seen on my instagram @naturallycray). They take a while to do, but they last a while based on how you take care of them, and there are many hairstyles you can do with them. My go to hairstyle on a bad hair day or even a good hair day is a high bun atop my head, but I try not to do this style too much. My everyday hairstyle is typically a damp chunky twistout, which i may pin over to the side sometimes. And for those days I’m feeling especially fierce I attempt a frohawk.


What have your experiences been as a ‘natural?’ 
I have had great experiences as a ‘natural,’ honestly no ones ever insulted my hair or said anything negative about it to my face before, and I’m grateful for the support of my friends and family who are very encouraging to my ‘naturalness.’
What is your hair regimen (including fav products)?
 I do not have a set hair regimen, but at the moment I’m trying to avoid product buildup so right now the products I use are very basic. I shampoo my hair once every two months with Johnson’s Baby Shampoo. I condition my hair once every two weeks, and I haven’t been introduced into deep conditioning yet. My all time favorite product is Cantu Shea Butter Leave in Conditioner. I use this product for twistouts and moisturizing my hair. I do not put oils in my hair, because I do not like the feel of oily hair, but I know that it does seal in moisture.
What are some of your favorite natural hair websites,YouTuber’s, or blogs?
 My favorite natural hair blog is:, by far, her blog is very informative and inspirational. My top three favorite ‘youtubers’ (out of my many) are Chime Edwards (HairCrush), Alicia James, and Naptural85. I have a youtube channel as well: Cassidy Dixon (naturalrevolution101).


Anything you want the readers to know? Inspirational words?
All I would like to say is that, “Your hair is not a mistake.” and “If being natural were easy then everyone would do it.”


A special thanks to Cassidy. It is so great to see  young women with confidence. Check out her YouTube channel.


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