Naturally Fierce Feature: Chauntalia



1. Tell me a little about yourself and your hair journey.
My name is Chauntalia Wise.  I am from Atlanta, GA. I’ve recently just relocated back to Atlanta after living in Japan and the Philippines. My natural hair journey began March 25, 2013. I transitioned for 8 months. My original transition goal was one year; however, I grew tired of seeing two different textures when I looked in the mirror. 
2. How long have you been natural? Have you always embraced your curls?
I’ve been natural now for one year and seven months. The 25th of November will be one year and 8 months for me. Before going natural I never knew I even had natural curls. I started getting perms when I was 5 years old.

3. What motivated you to transition? Were you a transitioner or a Big Chopper& why?
I was motivated to transition because I had bleached my hair honey blonde and it begin to break off very badly. I went into YouTube and came across @naturalneiicey and immediately fell in love with her hair and her length. I felt that my hair had the same potential. Eventually I also saw @mahoganycurls and knew going natural was a must for me.
I was a transitioner because I’ve never had short hair. I was afraid of short hair and scared that I wouldn’t know what to do with it. I was also serving on active duty military in the Marine Corps at the time and didn’t want to deal with the hair regulations for short hair.
4. How would you describe your hair?
My hair is thick; but not coarse. It will curl up with any wet product or just water now. It has to stay moisturized or it will break off. My curl pattern is very dominant. It’s not hard to see my curls and I don’t have to do much of anything to create a curl in my head.
5. What do you love most about your hair?
I love the fact that my hair is HEALTHY and growing.  Most of all I’m so in love with my curls. I’ve only blow dried my hair twice during my natural period and both times I wanted to just cry.
6. What has been the most memorable part of your journey? Has it been easy or difficult or both?!
My most memorable part is definitely my BC. LOL. I went into my friends bathroom and literally, wet my hair and just begin to cut away. I came out and she had the most PRICELESS look on her face. It hit me a few days later that I had just cut off all of my hair lol. The journey has been easy for me. I do wear it up or put away a lot so I’m only dealing with my hair twice a month at the most.
7. What are (or were) some of your favorite transitioning hairstyles or current dos’?
My favorite transitioning hairstyle and current is the BUN. There’s so much you can do with a bun. I just love them. They look so sophisticated.
8. What have your experiences been as a ‘natural’? Any memorable reactions from family or others? 
I cut my hair off before I moved to Japan so no family members ever actually saw my short hair. By the time I saw them again my hair was already long again. I was always styling my hair in Japan and I had nothing but positive feedback and reactions.
9. What is your hair regimen?
Before my hair got to this length my regimen was washing and deep conditioning my hair EVERY two weeks. Then I would always do a protective style. Now I wash it every 3-4 weeks only because the process is longer and I’m in nursing school do my time is constrained. I tie my hair up faithfully every single night though.
10. What are some of your favorite natural hair websites,YouTuber’s, or blogs?
Favorite YouTubers are @naturalneiicey @mahoganycurls @tarenguy @longhairdontcare2011(RIP)
I just love youtube in general and watching hair videos and hair journeys. But those are my favorites.
11. Anything you want the readers to know? Inspirational words? 
If you are going natural or currently natural, be PATIENT. It will grow. Less is always more. Stay away from heat as much as possible. Moisture Moisture MOISTURE! And always tie up your hair. Remember, you are what you eat.
12. Where can people find you for more information?
I can be found on Instagram @wilhilmeta2
I am currently working on a YouTube page but it isn’t up just yet.




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