Naturally Fierce Feature: Devri

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I’m Devri (pronounced Dev-ree) from good ol’ Texas! I contribute and edit content for My mother is African-American and my father is half Italian and Hispanic.

How long have you been natural?

It’s been about 2 years and 4 months (I count by the month!)

What motivated you to transition? Were you a transitioner or a Big Chopper & why?

I had been getting relaxers since age 5. In 2011 I was diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disease and had to start taking a lot of medication and go on chemo. My relaxed, overly-dyed hair couldn’t deal with all the chemicals and it came to a point where I basically had no choice but to give up perms. In early 2012 after joining NaturallyCurly, I did a mini big-chop. As the year went on, I gradually clipped all my relaxed ends off and was fully natural by the end of 2012.

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How would you describe your hair?

I have high density, tight, corkscrew-like 3C curls.

What do you love most about your hair?

Whenever the wind is blowing outside, my hair blows with it. It has so much more shine and body now than it ever did when I relaxed and straightened everyday.


What has been the most memorable part of your journey? Has it been easy or difficult or both?!

It’s been fun and encouraging. I am inspired everyday by the stories I read of why women go natural, and I enjoy when people stop me in public to ask about or compliment my hair. I don’t ever receive any negativity from the general public. Last year I even encouraged my grandma to go natural after all these years. My mom’s next on my list, but no pressure!

What are some of your favorite hairstyles?

I live for the wash-and-go. I’m busy so that’s my go-to style. Every now and then I like to braid my hair up into a goddess braid or chunky twists. I also love a chic high bun.


What have your experiences been as a ‘natural?’ Any memorable reactions from family or others?

My mom has slowly embraced my crazy, curly hair. It’s funny because my younger sister has never had a relaxer in her life, and she’s only 1 year younger than me. We’re all used to her having pretty, curly spirals. But my hair is different than my sister’s, and I wear it differently, too. My mom was the main person who always was shocked when I picked my hair out for a family function and rocked a ‘fro like it was nothing. She used to always say, “Devri, your hair looks WILD.” But she realized I was embracing it so now whenever she sees me she says, “Devri, your hair is beautiful!”


What is your hair regimen (including fav products)?

I don’t really have an everyday regimen; I like to pay attention to the needs of my hair in the moment, the weather, and the style I’m trying to achieve–so sometimes I need to change it up. Not to mention working at NaturallyCurly and having all these products around me all the time, it’s hard to not become a product junky! Right now I’m really loving the Design Essentials Curlforming Custard for my wash-and-gos. I also like the Oyin Handmade Burnt Sugar and Curls Coconut Sublime Conditioner. 3 things I cannot go without are my ACV, my Vitamin E Oil, and my Olive Oil.

What are some of your favorite natural hair websites, vloggers, and bloggers?

I may be a little biased but I really do get a lot of good info from the articles on & CurlyNikki. I also like ItsMyRaeRae,, and Natural Hair Daily.

Anything you want the readers to know? Inspirational words?

I truly believe we are all perfect in our own way. The next person won’t think you are great if you don’t think you are. So really feel it from the inside and it will show on the outside. Embrace everything about you that makes you wonderful. We are flawless & unique warriors.

Where can people find you for more information?

I have a personal blog that follows my hair & health journey- And you can find me on



  1. keisha says

    love your feature! beautiful hair and color! since I know you’re in austin, can you recommend a place to go for a trim? i’m new to the area.

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