Naturally Fierce Feature: Erica

Hey all! My name is Erica Bryant, Los Angeles grown but I call Oakland home. I earned my BA degree in English from the University of California, Irvine in my teaching credential from Mills College. Currently, I teach eleventh/twelfth grade English at a continuation high school. I am single (the struggle is real…lol) in I have a passion reading, cooking, and hip-hop. Most of all, I just enjoy having a good time with good people. Whether in the classroom or chatting on the hair care aisle at Walgreens, I love being a part of people’s aha moments…the point when the lightbulb brightens in something new in exciting is understood.

How long have you been natural?

I embraced my natural hair nearly four years ago. In the moment it was an easy decision to make. Like many Black girls I had internalized the message that if I wanted to be pretty in have boys like me, I’d better “straighten that kitchen” out. And though I’d been thinking about ditching the perm for quite some time, I could never really get over that mental hurdle. While i recognize the inherent political/social statement we make by “going natural” my perspective shifted once I realized it’s just hair. One day I stood in the shower washing my hair and something about touching the emerging new growth made me a bit sad. Not to be overdramatic, but I felt like I had multiple personalities…like part of who God intended me to be was trapped beneath chemically altered heat damaged hair. So, I stepped out of the shower and chopped it off.

When I was young, about eight years old, my mom, along with my aunties in granny held a meeting in decided my hair was too nappy. For years their comments about the rough and tough nature of my hair washed over me, affecting my self-esteem in ways I would not know for years to come. And so, the most memorable moment for me was visiting home during spring break and having the women in my family offer heartfelt compliments and apologize for perming my hair years ago.
This journey started a bit roughly but once I realized that my hair is running the show things got less stressful. I got reacquainted with my kinks in started enjoying the learning process.
About one week after the big chop I freaked out. I was worried I looked like a boy and would never go on another date so I got braids. I wore braids for about six months.

Over the years I have collected a mixed bag of reactions to my hair. All of my close friends think my natural hair brings out some sort of inner glow. Some strangers give compliments. Some just stare.


What is your hair regimen (including fav products)?

While I do rotate through multiple products. My haircare regimen is pretty simple. To start, I seperate my hair into four sections in distribute a mixture of VO5 moisture Milks conditioner, grapeseed oil, in honey through out. I rinse my hair after an hour or so. Using conditioner and baking soda, I wash each section of hair separately. Next, I condition each section with Organix Coconut Milk. Finally, once I’m out of the shower, I run a bit of grapeseed oil through and two strand twist (medium size) my hair using leave-in conditioner. My favorite leave-ins include nuNAAT Karite, Taliah Waajid Protective Mist Bodifier, and Jane Carter Solution Revitalizing Leave-In conditioner (only as a nightly refresher). I wear the twists (tucked and pinned for a few days).
When it comes to styling, I use a couple of products for hold and definition. Including nubian Heritage Edge Taming Taffy, Curls Unleashed Curl Boosting Jelly, Curls, Carol’s Daughter Healthy Hair Butter, and Curls Passion Fruit Curl Control Paste. I love how instagram allows me to access so many innovative natural hair business ventures. Recently I stumbled across The Doux (out of London). I love the hip-hop influence/inspiration as well as their motto, “Smart Chicks with Real Hair.” I am supper excited about getting my Doux You Style Bundle in the mail.

What are some of your favorite natural hair websites, YouTuber’s, or blogs?

When I first went natural I watched tons of youtube videos but the more I learned about my hair the less videos I watched. Now, I watch a few videos for inspiration. Some of my favorites are 160Days2Lose2, AfricanExport, MslittaluvsMakeUP, mstanish1, simplyounique, and jouelzy.

Anything you want the readers to know? Inspirational words?

Stop “natural” hair set trippin’. I mean, the idea that a woman with an afro is any more enlightened or revolutionary than a woman who straightens her is ridiculous. “Don’t be in such a hurry to condemn a person because he doesn’t do what you do, or think as you think. There was a time when you didn’t know what you know today (Malcolm X).” We are beautiful!

Where can people find you for more information?

People can find me on instagram @gracefulowl or at, where starting May 3rd, I will have a weekly blog focusing on beauty in healthy living.

Thank you Erica. You are beautiful! I love your two-tone hair.


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