Naturally Fierce Feature: Precious

I’m a wife and Stay At Home Mom to 3 munchkins ages 7(girl), 6(girl) and 1(boy). We live in Houston, TX where the weather is bipolar and most times its really, really humid. I *love* working out and exercising!! 🙂 I dont get enough “me time” but when I do I like to film and edit hair videos for my YouTube channel (prec18).

How long have you been natural?
My last relaxer was in June 2009. I did NOT want to big chop but I did realize that this was all new to me so I was open to changing my mind at some point perhaps. In June of 2010 I was completely relaxer free after transitioning for about a year and doing a few trims during that time. In roughly 2 months I will have been natural for 3 years.

What motivated you to transition? Were you a transitioner or a Big Chopper & why?

I had never been unhappy with my hair or had any problems with it when I was relaxed. My hair was always about shoulder length or longer, shiny and full of body. I loved my hair and always got always got compliments on my hair and I loved my hair and always got compliments on it. Then gradually it started to thin and shed and no matter what it just would not retain length. I admit I wasnt very educated about how to care for my hair and I’m sure that contributed to my hair problems. The other contributing factor was relaxers! LOL At that point I hated my hair and I was so unhappy with it. I saw a cousin of mine after she had just washed her hair and I noticed how curly it was. LOL I didnt know she had “gone natural”. LOL I was curious and intrigued. She told me and my mom, “Just do it.” Months later, I decided to “just do it” and quit relaxing my hair. I didnt care how my hair would look being relaxer free, didnt care what type of hair pattern it would be. I just knew that it had to be better than what I was experiencing with my hair while it was relaxed and I just didnt want it to be short and brittle and breaking anymore!

What has been the most memorable part of your journey?Has it been easy or difficult or both?!

The most memorable part: I can think back to when I first decided to stop relaxing my hair and I was so excited and nervous and anxious for this new journey and phase. I didnt know ANYTHING about natural hair or transitioning. I found lots of videos on YouTube and I would sit for hours and watch and look up products and styles and tips on transitioning and natural hair.

What  were some of your favorite transitioning hairstyles?
During transitioning my hair was changing so much and I was just lost as to what to do and how to style it. I would wear it in twists and then pull the twists up into a ponytail/bun.

Any memorable reactions from family or others since going natural?
I feel like I get noticed more for my hair and I love when I see other naturals out in public. I like the variety of textures and styles you see on others and as odd as it may sound, I feel instantly “connected” to another woman when I see that she has natural hair 🙂

What is your hair regimen (including fav products)?
I usually go 2 or 3 weeks between washing. I prefer to wash my hair with it braided into 2 or 4 sections because it makes washing more convenient and I get less tangles. Anytime I wash, I let the conditioner sit for a minimum of 30 minutes but it usually stays in for a few hours. This makes detangling so much easier. I love Giovanni Smooth As Silk Shampoo and Conditioner, Miss Jessies Curly Pudding, and the kimmaytube leave in conditioner mix. I LOVE grapeseed oil, jojoba oil and coconut oil!

I am about to adopt some of the Curly Girl methods and incorporate them into my regimen so I’m looking forward to that because I know these will be positive changes for my hair~

What are some of your favorite natural hair websites, YouTuber’s, or blogs?
On YouTube: whoissugar, MahoganyCurls, Nikkimae2003, kimmaytube, glamtwinz334, Jadison03, MsVaughnTV, tiashauntee, DPrincess28, naptural85, ninapruitt, MelsharyA, ShidaNatural, & mahogonayknots

Anything you want the readers to know? Inspirational words?
Transitioning can be really tough. A lot of us are women who in our 20’s, 30’s 40’s and 50’s and we have never had to care for our natural hair. It’s a process and it can be frustrating. Transitioning isnt always fun or glamorous. If you have decided to transition or big chop then remember why it is that you wanted to stop relaxing in the first place if you ever want to go back to relaxers 🙂 That’s what I had to do when I was frustrated with my hair after I had transitioned for a whole year! I also reminded myself that if I went back to relaxing or started texlaxing and hated the results, I would have to transition all over again:( LOL

Where can people find you for more information?
I dont “do” Facebook but I’m on Instagram straight flexin! @reasonnumbr1 or on YouTube:prec18
Inbox me on YouTube for more info 🙂

Last but not least: My hair is thriving and I love it! I feel like I’m setting an example for my daughters and actually showing them how amazing it is to accept and work with your natural hair.

What are we teaching our daughters about hair? Are you teaching something different since going natural. Leave comments below.

Thank you Precious! Your hair looks so healthy and beautiful.  


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