Why “CAN’T” you go natural?”


I LOVE everything about natural hair. For me, going natural is really “returning back to natural.” I find it funny when someone is in awe of your beautiful curls/coils/kinks but does not see themselves as a potential future naturalista.

Do not get me wrong, I believe it is personal choice that should be made because you want to however, some people who come up with the funniest statements that make me question whether their compliments really are compliments. In some cases their“reasons” for not going back to natural seem more like excuses.

Global Couture asked “What are some reasons people have given you why “they CAN’T” go natural?” on social media and have listed the 15 most popular “reasons” for a healthy discussion.

Here are the top 15 reasons people say they cant go natural:

1. It takes too much work

It is more a question of being patient. It will take you a little time to get to know your hair but once you know what it likes/dislikes/needs it will get easier. You are starting a relationship with your hair, a new relationship and while it might seem like “more work” with patience and dedication it can be done and gets easier.

2. I don’t have the “right” kind of hair.

This one gets under my skin a little because it starts the “good hair/bad hair” discussion which is totally ridiculous. What does the “right kind of hair” mean? Who defines the“right hair”? The hair that grows out of your scalp is the right kind of hair because it is yours and it is sprouting from your scalp for a reason!

3. Everybody doesn’t have hair like you.

All people see is what we look like once we are out of the house. They do not know about how we might need to moisturize our hair twice a day, the late night re-twisting,needing to sleep with a stain scarf/bonnet, rearranging ‘bed hair’ etc. You do not need to have hair like someone else, you need your hair. If you were meant to have someone else’s hair you would have it, just embrace the hair you have.

4. “Our” kind of hair just won’t look right on me but it looks good on you.

So it won’t look good on you but for whatever reason it looks good on me? Is that a compliment? How can something that is “not right” for you look good on me? You are either just telling yourself that or you are lying to me. If you truly like how it looks on someone else then you should like how it looks on you.

5. My hair is too nappy.

If we are confident in ourselves it radiates in everything we do and others can tell. Nothing is more attractive than a self-confident person, regardless of how we see our hair. Plus too “nappy” for what? Everyone is entitled to call their hair whatever they like but when it is used in this kind of negative way, you are basically offending yourself! It is growing out of your scalp love it!

6. I don’t have the time.

Make time! If you are organized and develop a routine it becomes so much easier. Sitting in a salon for a few hours or getting someone else to style your hair is also time consuming. Learn how to style your own hair, the more you do it the quicker you will get and remember that time management, organization and a routine is the key.

7. I’m scared I’ll look like a boy/man.

You do not have to Big Chop to be natural. You can take as long as you need to transition but there is nothing wrong with short hair plus accessories can play a big role in dressing up your hair. Get yourself some hair accessories,big earrings, perhaps a little colorful makeup and dress it up! Sometimes a simple flower from your garden is all you need.

8. My hair is too unmanageable.

No hair is “unmanageable” it is all about technique. It might take time and patience but it is all up to your dedication. Natural hair is so versatile that you can rock a super cute fluffy Afro during the day and turn it into an elegant up-do at night…technique

9. I wouldn’t know how to start.

Keep it simple and do not try to do everything at once because it can be overwhelming. Start with research and reading. Writing down things in a journal really helps you keep track of what you need to do, what products/technique worked or didn’t work. Once you have it noted down you can always refer back to your notes when you need to.

10. What would my friends/family say?

It can be a shock to friends and family who might not understand where you are coming from but only you have to live with your hair. They are not the ones that live your life or style your hair, you do. Make decisions based on what you want to do not what others might think.

11. I can’t go to work like this.

You were hired based on your qualifications and experience not on what your hair looks like. Some jobs require tying your hair back, not wearing dangly earrings,no dark nail polish, wearing a hair net etc., and of course you need to follow the rules however, in most cases you were not hired because your hair was “unnatural” so why should it matter now?

12. I’m not in touch with myself (or brave) like you.

Not everyone returns back to natural to “get back to their roots.” I was tired of perms and loved how healthy my sister’s hair looked. If you want to return back to natural because you do not want to use chemicals anymore that is reason enough. If you do it out of curiosity just to see what you would look like then do it! You will be surprised how you feel about yourself once you do.

13. It is too expensive.

It is true that there are a lot of products out there and in some cases they can be expensive but you do not need to buy everything out there. You can actually use a lot of natural ingredients you might already have at home, make your own products and as previously mentioned you do not need everything. Keep it simple! Find a cleanser, conditioner, leave-in conditioner, oil, butter/cream and gel you like, that is all you need. From there you can make your own deep conditioner, oil mix, whipped butter etc.

14. A perm is the only thing that can tame this mane.

If big fluffy hair isn’t your thing then learn about new styles and techniques you can use on your hair. Not everyone wants to standout in a crowd with big hair and that is fine but then you need to learn more about your hair and what you can do with it because the possibilities are endless.

15. I don’t like the way it looks.

This is once again about self-confidence. You might have an image in your head about “how it should look” but you do not need someone else’s hair or need to change it to make it “ok”. Once you get to that place where you see thenatural you are fantastic you will cringe at the fact that you use to think your hair “was not ok”. Try surround yourself with people who are positive, trust me, the positivity will rub off on you!

[by Maicurls]


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