Naturally Fierce Feature: Teshia

2 yrs Natural
1. Tell us a little about yourself and your hair journey.
My name is Teshia Smith. I am 28 years old and the mother of a beautiful 7 year old daughter. I was born in Arkansas, but spent most of my life in Texas and all over the US as a military brat. As of right now, I reside in Fayetteville, AR (Razorback Country), and have been here for 6 years. I work as a Direct Care Professional for a Non-Profit that helps people with disabilities. I absolutely love my job! Not only am I a mother and employee, I am also a student earning my second degree. My first degree is an AA in Paraprofessional Education and I am currently a junior earning my BS in Psychology in March 2016. With this degree I hope to gain a position as case manager and continue working with individuals with disabilities.
2. How long have you been natural?
 I have been natural for 2 years and 8 months

3. What motivated you to transition? Were you a transitioner or a Big Chopper& why?

I was begin my natural journey because my hair was not in a healthy state. My daughter is also natural, so that played a part because I want her to be proud of her hair and not be ashamed of her curls and thickness. I transitioned for 4 months by wearing wigs and braids. After a while I just could not deal with the two textures so I picked up the scissors and BC. After I did it, I kind of regretted it, but now I believe that it is one of the best decisions I have ever made.

1 year Natural

4. How would you describe your hair?

I would describe my hair as BIG and FIERCE!!!

5. What do you love most about your hair?

What I love most about my hair is that it’s mine. It’s like my baby; I take care of it and try my best to maintain it. My goal is to keep it as healthy as possible.

6. What has been the most memorable part of your journey? Has it been easy or difficult or both?

My most memorable part of my journey was when I hit the one- year mark. I compared pictures from when I big chopped up until that moment and I saw a lot of growth. I would say that my journey has been easy and difficult because in the beginning all I wanted your hair to do is grow, so I was not very patient. I have picked up a level of patience so I am okay now. I am just going with the flow, making sure I am eating right, exercising, drinking plenty of water, and just taking good care of my hair.

High Puff

7. What are (or were) some of your favorite transitioning hairstyles or current dos?

My favorite current do is my high puff, for sure. I am trying to step outside of my box by doing bantu knots, braid outs, and twist outs. My favorite protective style is crochet braids.

8. What have your experiences been as a ‘natural’? Any memorable reactions from family or others?

When I first began, my natural journey I remember people asking why I cut my hair off or giving me funny looks when I rocked my TWA. Now, strangers want to put their hands in it! I really have to say that my family has been very supportive of my decision to return my hair to its natural state.

9. What is your hair regimen (including fav products)?

I cowash once a week, shampoo twice a month. I try to do styles that I can stretch to 5 days or more, such a wash n’ go or puff. When I feel that my hair needs a rest, I will braid it up and either wear a wig or do another protective style, such as crochet braids. My favorite products are Giovanni Shampoo & Leave-in and Shea Moisture products. Every other day I use a homemade hair spritz to keep my hair moisturized. The mixture includes, JBCO, Vegetable Glycerin, Grapeseed oil, and water.

big chop

10. Who is your hair crush?

Definitely, Tracie Ellis Ross and Kimberly Elise! Not only are they gorgeous and great humanitarians, their hair is BEAUTIFUL!

11. What are some of your favorite natural hair websites,YouTuber’s, or blogs?

Global Couture, CurlyNikki, Kinky Coily Me

Youtube: Yolanda ReneeBreanna Rutter, NaturallyCurly, NaturallyNellzy, SimplYounique

12. Anything you want the readers to know? Inspirational words?

Just to trust your journey! Don’t compare your journey to someone else’s. Stay You, Stay True, And Stay Naturally Beautiful!

13. Where can people find you for more information?

You can reach me at:

Facebook: Teshia Smith
Instragram: teshluvsu
Twitter: mizztesh04


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