Naturally Fierce Feature: Danielle

My name is Danielle, Dani for short. I hail from New Orleans, but I currently live in Mississippi. I decided to go natural in 2010 after my college graduation. Once I was free from education, I let my hair do the same!! lol

How long have you been natural?
I have been natural for 2 years.

What motivated you totransition?
What motivated me to go natural was the sense of embracing my true self. I was tired of hiding. I was self conscious, I was reserved but my personality was OUTGOING!! My life was all backwards. I never thought I was beautiful or memorable but I got tired of “hiding” behind weaves, even eyeglasses. lol So i decided to let everything go. Inhibitions, lack of confidence, etc.

I big chopped on April 4, 2011 after transitioning for some months. Got tired of dealing with two textures. So I woke up at 4 am and went crazy with the scissors I just wanted to do something no one would expect and I just felt free.

What has been the mostmemorable part of your journey? 
The most memorable part of my journey has been the big chop. Its something I would’ve never done in the past and my family members said my mother (who is deceased) did the exact same thing at my age. It was difficult in the beginning, waiting around for my hair to grow. lol

What  were some of your favoritetransitioning hairstyles?
My favorite transitioning hairstyles were of course braids and sew ins. MARLEY BRAID BUNS TRUMPS ALL!! I love it! They helped protect my mane while it grew. It was easier to manage while I schooled myself on natural hair, because I was clueless.

What have your experiences been as a ‘natural.’ Any memorablereactions from family or others?
I have actually gotten a lot more attention with my natural hair. Again resembling my mother because she was known for rocking a fro in the was amazed at our uncanny resemblance.It was like “Hey we like you embracing YOU, Finally!!!” I’ve gotten so many comments and compliments. Even a touch or two lol. Not too many but I feel free and even got some of the ladies from my church have even gone natural because of me. It makes me happy to be nappy. (cheesy lol)

ALSO MEN LOVE IT!! 😉 Yes they do.

What is your hair regimen (including fav products)?
My hair regimen changes all over the place to be honest. Recently I’ve been flat ironing my hair, of course with some of my texture in place I braid them in “Color Purple Celie” braids, as I call them, with rollers at the ends and then I rock a rigid BIG fro during the day. I use my hair dressers homemade products now along with As I Am, Shea Moisture Curling Smoothie, with tea tree oil, coconut oil, and Cantu Deep Conditioner. I’m looking to try new products.

What are some of your favorite natural hair websites,YouTuber’s, or blogs?
My favorite Hair Bloggers are of course Curly Nikki, My Natural Sistas, MaiCurls, Natural Hair Daily, Black Girl Long Hair, and Curl Box along with many others I can’t name because so many or in my favorites! lol

Anything you want the readers to know? Inspirationalwords?
What I want readers to know is embrace anything you have. Don’t hide who you are. Whether you are a natural or not. Because its just that much more freeing to say “Bam! Here I am. Take it in!”

Where can people find you for more information?
People can find me on instagram @dangelique_ on Tumblr: chocolatecoveredsnaps and facebook under Danielle Kenny. I’m a photographer so if anyone would like to check out my work its:

Thank you Danielle!

(Thanks for reping the iTwist tee from

What do you think ladies?!! Do men love your natural hair?? Leave comments below.


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